
Huge Pro-Life Turnout in Aurora

The rally in Aurora Saturday was huge. The Chicago Tribune estimated a crowd of 1,000. The Aurora Beacon estimated 1,200. The actual number may have even been higher. Watch the local FOX News station’s coverage of the rally here. Note Planned Parenthood/Chicago Area president Steve Trombley’s comments during the news segment:

We want people to understand that 90% of what we do is about providing contraception and basic health care, both of which prevent the need for abortions. We believe that health center will do more in one day to prevent abortions than those protesters will do in a lifetime.

Ah, yes, because everybody knows that making contraception more widely available is the answer to preventing abortion, right? Mmmm…not so much. Note also these comments from Trombley, which concluded the report:

Most people spend their Saturdays taking their kids to the soccer game, doing things around the house, and I think as time moves on, people will go back to their normal lives.

What Trombley apparently doesn’t realize is that fighting abortion is something we do as part of our “normal lives”. As Eric said at last the press conference at the Planned Parenthood site August 16, “Whether it’s 40 days or prayer or 40 years of effort, we will shut down the Abortion Fortress of Aurora.” We’re. Not. Going. Away. Here’s a slide show of the day from Jill Stanek: Here are some more pictures:

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