
Doctor-Assisted Suicide on My Ballot!

My State of Washington is one of the more unfortunate states in this election. We’ve got this abominable Initiative on our ballots, called I-1000, and if passed, it would legalize doctor-assisted suicide in Washington! Needless to say, all of us pro-life activists over here are in a rage over it, and are doing what we can to kill it. It is quite shameful though, since I think that Washington is only the second state to attempt to pass such an initiative. We’ve been pretty active over here in efforts to ensure that this does not pass, and I’m very hopeful that really it won’t. A lot of people have been acting as if it will pass no problem though, and this of course is concerning. The Archdiocese of Seattle has been superb in doing numerous things to stop this Initiative. Wow! They’re doing TV ads, bulletin inserts, posters, videos, literature in churches, booklets, homilies; all kinds of great stuff! And this is not just happening in several or a few parishes of the diocese. If I have it right, it’s happening in every parish in the diocese! I decided that I really also needed to seriously do something about this, so I took a day and went to the University of Washington’s red square (public speach area) and handed out lots of literature on the danger of I-1000. I was really excited to be able to give out so much stuff in such a short amount of time. These universities are the places to go if you want to reach a lot of people really fast! The next day I went again with a friend to a community college, and we were able to hand out 200 more! We were surprised at how receptive and awesome those students were; I really believe in those wonderful kids! A few of them took a moment to tell us that they were voting no on this Initiative. I had originally thought that young people would be less likely to vote yes on I-1000 than older people. My visits to this university and college kind of confirmed this, I think. It seems that perhaps young people often have a more hopeful and enthusiastic look on life altogher, so it is often disgusting to them that we should try to legalize doctor-assisted suicide. I think they also tend to take a simpler look at it too, and just see that it is shameful for anyone to want it to be legal to die by suicide. Another interesting thing that I encountered at these colleges was the reality that most people who told me that they were voting yes on I-1000, were doing it because they had seen a parent or a grandparent die a long and painful death. They concluded that these such people should have the “right’ to die. But yes, do say lots of prayers for my poor, liberal State of Washington! We’re going downhill, but of course we the Culture of Life people are trying hard to improve things over here. I know that we’re making headway, definitely. Especially since it is almost certain that after this election, we will have a new, mostly-pro-life governor. Ahhhhh! We need him! God bless.

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